Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Down Memory Lane

While interacting with my kids who are 5 and 6 through the course of their activities, be it school work such as simple language and number problems to story time to pretend play, many memories of my childhood flash back. It is an exciting time for me when that happens because through my children I get to relive my special moments shared together with my brother while growing up. No matter what time of life you are at, no matter where you are in the world, nothing can stop sweet memories from flowing back when they are triggered through fun events and what I find inspiring in this instance is that in todays stressful world we are caught up with materialism, but through the simplicity and purity of my child’s play and learning, and their comprehension of the world, breathes fresh air into my trampled spirit caught up in mundane worldly living.
Through still photography I captured some delightful moments of my son playing outdoors. I put together a video which is meant to evoke a sense of nostalgia in you and flood your mind with those special memories of you growing up with a friend, a sibling or a parent or even on your own.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Kite Runner

For those of you who have read the book or seen the movie Kite Runner. I finally managed to do both. They provided me with a very interesting perspective into an area I was forced to stereotype. A region invaded by political opinion that once had an identity of its own, is so easily dismissed. There are many parallel issues running through out the course of the story, which would beg for a broader debate, but for now, Khaled Hosseini through his metaphor of the Kite Runner inspired me to shed my myopic visions and broaden my horizons to a territory in Dire Straits. The Simplistic Innocence of kite flying resonates deep within me and every time I think of the joy on amir’s face when he cut his opponents kite echos to me that, if our Will is strong enough there is nothing that can stop us form achieving what we want in this world. That should include compassion to our fellow beings because if we all do our small parts, (even if it is an idea or inspiration shared through this blog) collectively we can build a better, stronger world in the midst of all the negativity. As Mahatma Gandhi the Visonary said “We must be the change we wish to see in this world”

Thursday, March 3, 2011


In the midst of setting up this blog and getting well versed on its logistics, I find myself a bit frustrated on my incompetence with technology. The consolation being that on average many are in my boat. Keeping this in mind, starting from scratch and jumping on to this bandwagon of virtual words leaves me vulnerable that I have put myself out there but gives me inspiration in the form of confidence to believe in my words.....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is my very first post on my very first blog created today. Not sure what exactly needs to be said here but I am going to share my thoughts on something very dear to me. As a creative being, inspiration is the most important catalyst of my sphere. I feed off it and on this journey not only will I share what inspires me but would love to learn what inspires all of you. By sharing ideas and stories helps sharpen the most important tool that is gifted to me in this creative process, that of Perception.